Hey Readers! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!! I’m extremely excited to celebrate America’s birthday alllll day, and on that note, I decided to do a post on some place that fits the shoe the best for today: Washington D.C., United States. Washington D.C., otherwise referred to as Washington, “The District”, or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States founded in 1790. As the capital, this district does not belong to any particular state in the country and is instead directly overseen by the federal government. The city was, naturally, named after the first president, George Washington.

I don’t want to bore you with the history of the city so I’ll go straight into what you can do TODAY at “The District.” The first to see is probably all the big monuments around town, such as the White House (that’s a given), the U.S. Capitol, and the Washington Monument. These are the most famous monuments known to most citizens around the country and are often featured on dollar bills and television shows.

If you’re going to Washington D.C., you can’t ignore the Smithsonian Institution, and mostly because it covers a large chunk of the city. These are all different types of museums, gardens and monuments that you just must visit! There are 19 museums, 9 research centers, and more than 140 affiliate museums around the world. Some of these include the Air and Space Museum (which features Amelia Earhart’s famous red airplane and also the Spirit of St. Louis), American History Museum, Natural History Museum (you may have seen this one in the second Night at the Museum movie), and the National Zoo. Oh, and the best part of this: all admissions to museums and galleries are FREE! To check out all the museums, galleries and zoo that make up the institution, visit http://www.si.edu/Museums.

D.C. also has endless monuments you can visit, and the most touching monuments are the memorials. Some of these memorials consist of the World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial (the huge statue of Lincoln sitting on the chair). There are many others that surround the National Mall (no it’s not a mall you can go shopping in).
If you’re planning a trip to Washington D.C., don’t let it be a one or two day trip. I’ve been there twice and both were dissatisfying since I only got to stay for a day or two. If you want to get the full experience and visit all the monuments, museums, galleries, and memorials, you’ll definitely want to stay for a couple extra days. This is most certainly a very unique place full of sites to see and enjoy.

The best time of the year to visit the District is most likely during the Cherry Blossom Festival, which usually runs from end of March to end of April. This is the perfect time to go since everywhere you look, you’ll be absolutely stunned by the beauty of the cherry blossom flowers. Hope you have an amazing day full of celebration today, readers!!